Oilshield visits the Nolan Oils depot!

It was great to have Stewart Ower & David Gardiner from Oilshield visit Nolan Oils this month to present Mark and Luke with the new prototype Oilshield Spill Kit. They have designed a spill kit containing absorbent and containment materials to help our drivers make a first response. The kit contains full instructions and has been designed to be robust and fit neatly into a small space on a road tanker.

We have been an Oilshield client for a number of years and are really keen to trial these kits and provide our feedback to further its development. Oilshield are hoping that they can roll out more of these kits to their customers to help minimise damage and control claims cost in the event of an at fault spillage incident.

Oilshield - Nolan

About the Author

Cliff Taylor